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Sunday, June 20, 2010

2 Graduations and several glasses of wine...

It's been a busy week.  My youngest son graduated from 8th grade.  You wouldn't think much of that, but they have awards and a big graduation ceremony.  My oldest son graduated from high school.    Much expected hoopla.  My in-laws came up to see both.  My mother-in-law is suffering from aphasia and dementia, so it is an adventure to have her come and stay.  Don't get me wrong, I love my mother-in-law.  She was the most supportive and helpful mother-in-law a woman could wish for, in her heyday.  Unfortunately, she is slipping into dementia, and doesn't understand much of what is happening around her.  I miss her.  She was such a smart and strong woman.  At least she was able to enjoy this visit.  We don't get many visits anymore, as it is much more difficult for her to travel. My father-in-law is now a caregiver.  I don't think that was his plan, but he never complains.  He has to work much harder to do all the things he used to do, but he never complains.  I wish we could help more.  They live in Delaware and we live in Connecticut, and I have school-age children that I cannot easily leave.  But I still wish there was a better solution.

I am still knitting the graduation scarf.  Graduation has come and gone.  Jeff, and his girlfriend Heather (recipient of said scarf) have received scholarships, and graduated with their class, gone on the class all-night graduation party, and attended various other graduation parties, and I am still knitting on this darned scarf.  I thought I would run short of yarn.  It is looking like the scarf will be reasonably long.  In fact, there is more yarn left than I thought there would be at this point.  I even weighed the knitted portion of the scarf and the yarn left on the ball to compare them, to make sure I would have enough yarn.  A longer scarf than planned is not a bad thing.  But I should have finished knitting it by now.  Guess I need more TV nights to sit and knit.  At least I know Heather will not feel like we're forgetting her.  Jeff has told her that we're getting her SOMETHING for graduation.  Hopefully this week I will be able to finish up, now that all the awards, graduations ceremonies, and parties should be over and we can relax a little.

I am still trying to recover from the poison ivy I found in the corner of our property when we were trying to clear out the bittersweet vines.  I am down to mild itchiness and a few scabs and mostly healing lesions, but it is still uncomfortable.  I  have been wearing very long skirts in order to be comfortable and hide the fact that I haven't been able to shave my legs in the past 2 weeks.

I will sign off, and try  to come back again soon.  Happy graduation to all, and to all, a good night!

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