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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Post Wisdom Removal

January 23, 2010

I still can't get used to 2010. Guess I'm getting old. #1 son is recovering well from wisdom teeth removal. Dan spent the day with him while I drove #1 daughter to the farm to work and have a riding lesson. Then I continued on to Colchester to find fabric for the next baby quilt. That always takes a while. I ended up asking for help from the very kind woman working in the quilting fabric room. I found enough (hopefully) fabrics to do a scrappy look in Winnie-the-Pooh colors, without actually doing a Winnie the Pooh theme. I much prefer the saturated colors. I also found a piece of fabric (a whole $.77 worth) to use to mend #1 son's girlfriend's baby quilt. I think I will try to fade it a little, since her quilt is faded and that way the new fabric will blend better with the old.

#2 son got straight A's on his report card, so I made Ramen for dinner. #1 son managed to slurp down some noodles with the egg mixed in. He's still not eating much. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

I'm trying to do a little more on Ravelry so I am experimenting with a blog. We'll see how this lasts. I suppose I could focus just on the knitting. The way I'm going with my knitting, I won't have to write many blog posts because I am not getting much knitting done!

We'll see what the next post brings.

Shelley in CT